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Stephanie Borgert
5 days ago6 min read
Power and self-exploitation
Explore the hidden dynamics of power in modern workplaces, where self-exploitation replaces traditional control.

Iva Marketanović
Nov 13, 20246 min read
Harnessing Gossip. From a Potential Threat to an Organizational Benefit.
Gossip in the workplace has a bad reputation, but what if it could be turned into a powerful tool for business success?

Oct 17, 20247 min read
The RIDA-loop, an approach to complexity and organizational excellence.
Read in this column why we are convinced that the RIDA-loop is an impactful didactic approach to complexity and organizational excellence.

Petra Habdelić
Mar 29, 20246 min read
Failure culture: To succeed, we must embrace failure too?
In some cultures, failure is stigmatized; in others, it's viewed as a valuable learning opportunity. What is your first thought?

Viktor Vetturelli
Feb 28, 20244 min read
The Office: A haven for success and creativity?
If you're trying to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of hybrid work, you may be asking the wrong question.

Nov 23, 20237 min read
The Myth of a difficult client
In informal gatherings with business people, the term "difficult clients" often comes up. But what does "difficult" really mean?

Dijana Vetturelli
Aug 7, 20234 min read
Do we need this team-building?
Resistance is (with reasonable exceptions) a smart reaction that reveals the meaninglessness, irrelevance, and mismatch of words and actions

Jul 31, 20231 min read
Discourse learning - how corporate culture can be developed by all - together
Find out how metafinanz tackled the topic of organizational culture by implementing discourse learning.

Dijana Vetturelli
Apr 4, 20235 min read
Mergers and acquisitions – a culture trap
The integration of cultures can be challenging if the merging companies do not recognize each other's cultures.

Feb 15, 20234 min read
qohubs and German IT company metafinanz Informationssysteme launch a cooperation
qohubs and German IT company metafinanz Informationssysteme launched a cooperation

Feb 14, 20233 min read
Culture Triple
Designed for the merits of better collaboration and value creation. The Culture Triple is a program designed in cooperation with...

Jan 23, 20233 min read
Meet the Team: Dragana Vujinovic, Client Experience Manager
In this interview, Dragana not only shows us her professional side, but also gives us an insight into what drives her as a person.

Nov 30, 20226 min read
How conversation radically transforms organizations
Do you believe in resistance to change and that there is a magic communication strategy that will help you make the change sustainable?
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