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Culture Triple

Autorenbild: qohubsqohubs

Designed for the merits of better collaboration and value creation.

The Culture Triple is a program designed in cooperation with Stephanie Borgert, a complexity researcher and author; metafinanz Informationssysteme and qohubs.

Culture Triple in a nutshell

The program addresses relevant topics essential for a culture of innovation and productive collaboration in every company. Culture cannot be prescribed – instead, it is reflected, discussed, and changed together. And this is precisely what we aim at and why the triple consists of the topics feedback, failure culture, and conflict.

FEEDBACK - More than rhetoric. Our daily life is full of feedback-loops. As soon as we start to notice them, it´s all about one´s perception, good obeservation, relationships & patterns. We thrive on feedback for growth & development.

CONFLICT - like salt in soup. Conflicts cause us to make decisions, create clarification in collaboration and enable us to gain insights. So it's time to take a "drama-free" look at conflict, how we can regulate it well, and maybe have fun doing it.

FAILURE - Teacher in the back. "Are we actually fail-safe or safe-fail"? And what does that actually has to do with success? We will examine different organizations and their practices to find out, why e.g. concentrating on mistakes can be good.

How does it work?

Each topic of the culture triple (feedback, conflict, failure culture) is designed as a cycle consisting of five 90-minute sessions. Small groups of four to six people meet to learn in these sessions. During the 90 minutes, the group engages in a conversation provoked by different interactions. So the group session becomes the center of activity where individual, group, and company changes occur. People share their perspectives and experiences, reflect and gain a common understanding. They reflect on their work and collaboration and how it affects the whole company.

The format is cloud-based - one person in the company is responsible for entering the participants' names and e-mail addresses into the system and to set a date for the first session. Everything else is completely self-organized. After each session, everyone gets a PDF with a summary of what the participants in the session as a group observed and developed. Ideally, the sessions should be between seven days and two weeks - and each group sets the date and time of the next session individually.

In the end, the rewards are learning and further participants' individual development. Above all, the program changes how employees communicate with each other and collaborate, which affects the whole company. This is how a real culture change takes place.

Experience the Culture Triple

Anyone who wants to work on corporate culture and change it actively can try out our format Experience Session "Culture Triple" without obligation. In the Experience Session the content of each cycle is summarized and offered in a 90 minute session. Experience the power of discourse learning in action!

The event lasts 2 hours with:

• a brief introduction on the Culture Triple & qohubs, and how does the program work

• 90-minute qohubs session (in small groups)

• reflection: exchange of experiences on the learnings from the session

optional: stay tuned to get all your questions on Culture Triple & qohubs answered

Who is it intended for? For managers, team leaders, experts in organizational culture, organizational learning & development, HR & Communications - for all those looking for an effective group learning infrastructure that has the power to provoke change - fast and scalable.

The Sessions take place in German or English language.

Contact us via and organize your own Experience Session.


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