Are you interested in engaging in collaborative thinking, exploring various viewpoints, and gaining new insights on socially relevant topics? Join us in the Discourse Salon and start the Change.
How it works?
Four times a year you are invited
to join a discourse with people of various backgrounds
on a certain topic with the following agenda:
short welcome from the initiators
90-min small group discourse via qohubs
brief conclusion
in a plenary
Power. What it does to us.
Wednesday, the 25th of September at 6.30 PM CET
The topic of power in organizations moves between taboo and everyday understanding. To deal with it in a reflective and relaxed manner, you first need the right vocabulary. What associations does the term trigger? What meaning do we give it? To do this, we will present different perspectives on power. And then we will delve into the world of thought of the philosopher Michel Foucault and allow his work to irritate us and inspire us to discourse. Be ready to be surprised.
What you need to know when joining?
a quiet place
the discourse salon is interactive
be on time
nothing is recorded
Book your Seat for the coming Discourse Salon Session:
Power. What it does to us.
Date and Time:
Wednesday, the 25th of September 2024 from 18.30 - 20.30 PM CET
Video Platform:
Applications are open until:
Tuesday, the 24th of September 2024